Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Automatisch/Automatic - Tokio Hotel

Oh my... Oh my, oh my, oh my...
I'm speechless right now...
I'm so hyped up, but words can't express what I feel right now...
I just heard one of Tokio Hotel's new song, "Automatisch/Automatic".
And I am stunned beyond words.
It's so poppy and rocky, but I like it.
Man... Tokio Hotel rocks.
And I definitely can't wait for their next album, "Humanoid" to come out.
According to the tabloids the album is heavily influenced by science fiction, and it features tracks such as "Automatisch", "Dark Side of the Sun" and "Pain of Love".
I can't wait for "Humanoid to be released, and I hope that it'll be released in Singapore...

Here are the links for Automatisch/Automatic



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